Friday, 13 September 2013

Pappu can't give speech Saala!

 Please click on the YouTube Vid Link & then hum along the following parody lines.... Tongue

This is the future man! Tongue
Tirkit daana tirkit daana, Congressi saare yahaan aana, Lets dance... Dancing
Tirkit daana tirkit daana, Saare milke dhoom machana, Lets dance... Dancing

Naa muscular, Naa  hai popular Day Dreaming
Naa muscular,  Naa hai popular Day Dreaming

Naa muscular Naa hai popular
Pappu apna, is a bachelor!

He's a bachelor! He's a bachelor... Blushing

Pappu ki party tez hai, Pappu party mein craze hai,
Pappu ki aankhein hain brown, Pappu dikhta angrez hai!
Angrez hai... Embarrassed

Rado ki ghadi haathon mein,
Perfume Gucci waala !!!!!!!!!Heart

But Pappu can't give speech saala!Confused hoye hoye hoye hoye
But Pappu can't give speech saala!Confused hoye hoye hoye hoye

Haan Pappu speech nahi de sakta! ErmmCry  

Wenna may I see you when you dance in the hall
And a wenna may I see you when you dance... hey! Dancing

Tirkit daana tirkit daana, Congressi saare yahaan aana, Lets dance... Dancing 
Pappu can't give speech saala!... Ermm

Tirkit daana tirkit daana, Congressi saare yahaan aana, Lets dance... Dancing 
Pappu can't give speech saala!...) Ermm

Tirkit daana, daana naa,  Tirkit daana, daana naaParty
Tirkit daana, daana naa, Tirkit daana, daana naaParty
Paida Pappu, hua to kismatein chamki, Embarrassed
Aur uske munh mein, thhi Italy ki chamchi, Geek
Haii... yeahhh yeahhh... Pappu ke paas hai paisa, Wink
Haii... yeahhh yeahhh...Jeeja Zamindaar ke jaisa, Evil Smile
Haii... yeahhh yeahhh... Pappu gareebon ka Yaar hai, Hug
Haii... yeahhh yeahhh... Pappu dildaar hai, Star hai... Star

But Pappu can't give speech saala!Confused hoye hoye hoye hoye
But Pappu can't give speech saala!Confused hoye hoye hoye hoye

Haan Pappu speech naheen de sakta... ConfusedConfusedConfused
Tirkit daana, daana naa,  Tirkit daana, daana naaParty
Tirkit daana, daana naa, Tirkit daana, daana naaParty

Papa kehte thhe bada naam karega, Clown
Mera Pappu to aisa kaam karega, Approve
Haii... yeahhh yeahhh... Pappu ke paas hai ROTI, Wink
Haii... yeahhh yeahhh... Deta hai 100  Din ki ROZI! LOL
Haii... yeahhh yeahhh... Pappu guitar bajata hai,
Haii... yeahhh yeahhh... jahan jaata hai, Hoot ho jaata hai... Cry

But Pappu can't give speech saala!ConfusedCryCry

Tirkit daana tirkit daana, Congressi saare yahaan aana, Lets dance... Dancing
Tirkit daana tirkit daana, Saare milke dhoom machana, Lets dance... Dancing

Tirkit daana NaNaNa, Tirkit daana NaNaNa
But Pappu can't give speech saala!Cry

Tirkit daana NaNaNaNa, Tirkit daana NaNaNa….
Haan Pappu speech Naheen De Sakta!Cry

Tirkit daana tirkit daana, Congressi saare yahaan aana, Lets dance... Dancing
Tirkit daana tirkit daana, Saare milke dhoom machana, Lets dance... Dancing

Wenna may I see you when you dance in the hall
And a wenna may I see you when you dance... hey!

Tirkit daana NaNaNaNa, Tirkit daana NaNaNa….

 DISCLAIMER: Pics & Cartoons used are for illustration purpose only. They have no connection to Posted content and names contained therein. Similarity of names, sheer coincidence. 

Additionally, Mutual Funds are not only subject to market risks but designed to ensure you get nothing in hand at the end. Life Insurance is a cunning weave, designed to ensure you live poor in the hope of turning rich one day & in the end.....die poor!


  1. Hillarious ...
    But its always fun to watch/read a Pappu speech

    1. Thanks for finding that one hilarious Sid! :) Hope you check out and enjoy other fun posts as well.....Cheers!

  2. Its just Hilarious....
    awesome....Pappu can't give speech.....
    Very Good Job and please do keep posting and entertaining !!

  3. hilarious cruiserji..raj from bb forum..come to the bb forum..its opened..waiting for ur fun posts eagerly

  4. tirkit dana tirkit dana dana nana
    pappu dikhta angrez hai
    kya demaag paya hai

    1. haha....are you bwsweetu? :)

      Thanks for laughing! :)

    2. Hey cruiser. its great that u opened a blog.


  5. Dear Raj & Aadi..

    Thanks for your sweet comments. Glad Pappu made you smile! Here on Blog there are other fun takes related to Cricket and Bolly, besides Big Boss ofcourse, that you might have missed. Whenever you have some free time on hand and can't think of a more worse way to kill it, spend it on those please! :)

    Raj, thanks for BB forum info.....would surely check out what you all are upto! :)

  6. Awesome and Hillarious Cruiserji.
    Loved it.
    P.S. Awesome Disclaimer.

    1. So good to see you comment Suyash.....glad you enjoyed the piece as well as disclaimer! Cheers mate!

  7. Hey! ^^
    I'm Monika! :P

    Hilarious! *ROFLING*
    I'm always gonna listen to this song! LOL
    Thanks for making me laugh! :D
    Keep posting! :)


    1. haha..Thanks Monika Ji. You laughed and that means effort was worth it! :)

  8. well now for me the song "papu can't dance sala" will never ever be the same as it used to be :D

  9. papu likes dalit garib people roti better than mummy dear macroni :-) Priyabb

  10. hahaha!! welcome back cruiser ji!!
    HOWLARIOUS... pappu jahaan jataa hai... hoot ho jaata hai.... rofl..
    great entertainment .. thank you so much...
    keep posting more.. and more frequently...:)


    1. Hey Aditi! Kemon aacchen? Thanks for commenting here. Nice to see you laughed at 'hoot' misery! :)

  11. Cruiser you are the best in India Forum site. An intelligent analysis of a person thru' the hilarious song. You are a person with very good sense of humor. We can expect such posts only from you. I don't know how you get these ideas. I hope you post on various politicians and prominent people like this. It will be interesting and funny. Surely your post will be used by opposite party politicians for their election publicity. Expecting more such posts from you.

    1. Thanks a lot for your always generous praise Manju Ji. Your posts are always well reasoned and mean a lot! friends reported, some BJP fanatics used circulated this parody witin their FB circles and on Twitter.

      Well.....may be now I should shift attention to Modi-Advani tussle! :)

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot for the appreciation Vivek! Hope you smiled! :)

  13. Hoot nahi mute ho jaata hai...

  14. hahahha!! awesome!!

  15. Pappu can't do anything saala. hahahaha

  16. Hahahahahaha This was a good one as usual, and the funiest was DISCLAIMER.... love it.

    Keep Rocking Cruiser

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Pappu is not good at anything. You forgot our Silencer :( - Our great PM :D

  19. Nice! Cruiser ji, like I said ... I sure hope that your day job involves making people laugh. :D

  20. haha. Pappu got mauled by Arnab Goswami and then this laugh riot. hahahaha

  21. This is bloody hilarious :D :D
